P&G turning towards digital marketing

P&G, the world’s largest advertisers (TV & Print), is turning attention majorly towards digital. In the recently conducted event “Signal P&G”, the who’s who of the digital world descended in Cincinnati, the world head quarters of the consumer goods giant.

Here are some important comments made by some very influential people!

1. “Today is not about digital marketing; it’s about brand building in a digital world” – Mark Pritchard – Global Marketing & Brand Building Officer, P&G. If we view social media as just a lead generation channel in the short term, we might be missing the point. Social media is for branding which eventually leads to lead generation!

2. “This kind of first-hand investment, that people can see, helps them understand how deeply committed the management team is to social media.” — Twitter CEO Dick Costolo


3. “The openness and transparency with which the team from Procter & Gamble is approaching this … speaks volumes to me.” – Facebook VP David Fischer


4. “P&G’s eagerness to get into digital in a way that actually can pull them into a deeper relationship with their customers on a 1-to-1 basis is something you don’t find at a whole lot of CPG companies.” – Yahoo! Chief Product Officer Blake Irving


Quite insightful comments from the experts in social media and great to see the likes of P&G laying emphasis on social media!

March 29, 2012
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