GOSF, the one event that every single online brand participates in is done for 2014. In line with the previous blogs we published on ORM for e-commerce brands, we showed how campaigns invariably end up boosting the negative sentiment more than the positive/neutral. In one case, we described how recent flash sale campaigns had negatively impacted the overall sentiment. In another case, we analyzed how a campaign to promote a mobile app went haywire leading to a spike in negative sentiment.
Our reputation management tool, ReputePro, analyzed the impact of GOSF over the past few days and Snapdeal stood out. The overall buzz increased significantly but importantly the positive sentiment went up. What were people talking about? Our analytics shows “Chromecast”, “iPhone”, “Lenovo” were the products clearly being talked about. The adjectives for Snapdeal’s offers ranged from “amazing”, “awesome”, “great”, “super”, “worth”.. and the list goes on.
Just shows why participating in such campaigns with real offers and deals can help brands and the perceptions around them. We’d like to congratulate Snapdeal with the same adjectives – Was amazing that awesome deals were offered. Totally worth it for the brand!
P.S. We saw no such spike for Flipkart on either facebook or twitter, since they did not participate in GOSF.